The Eta Aquariids meteor shower originates from the debris left behind by Halley's Comet, one of the most famous comets in our solar system.
As Earth passes through this debris field, tiny particles enter our atmosphere at high speeds and burn up, creating the streaks of light we call meteors.
The name "Eta Aquariids" comes from the shower's radiant point, which is located near the star Eta Aquarii in the constellation Aquarius.
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This meteor shower is known for its swift meteors, which travel at speeds of up to 66 kilometers per second (41 miles per second).
The fast-moving meteors often leave glowing "trains" of ionized gas that can linger for several seconds after the meteor has passed, adding to the spectacle.
The Eta Aquariids are best viewed from the Southern Hemisphere, where the radiant point is higher in the sky.
However, observers in the Northern Hemisphere can also enjoy the shower, although the meteors will appear lower on the horizon.
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